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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The greatest inventions of 20th centuary

English project. The greatest inventions of 20th centuary

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” Carl Sagan

I think that never can come a day when evrything will be discovred, because world always develops. Now we think that already there is nothing to discover or to invent, but hundreds of years ago people has thought so too. For example hundred years ago, no one can imagine that after hundred years there will be a device, which will work by finger touch, and thousand years ago no one can imagine that people will be able to fly by anything, which is called airplane.
Here are top 5 inventions of 20th centuary.

1.       Karl Landsteiner discovered human blood groups in 1901.
Invention of human blood groups was revolutionary, because after that doctors are able to do blood transfusion.

2.       Steven Weinberg discovered human oncogene, which causes cancer in 1980.
People used to die because of cancer more that now, because now thee are many ways to prevent emerging of cancer. Now doctors destroy oncogene and cancer retreats.

3.       Niels Bohr discovered model of atom in 1913.
By discovering model of atom chemists, physicist can make new experiments, change any substances atomic nucleus.

4.       Alexander Flaming discovered penicillin in 1928.
Generally, medical discoveries are very important for every human. Before discovering penicillin people died of pneumonia, so the discovery of penicillin was a very big revolution. Even Alexander Flaming, the discoverer, got the Nobel Prize in medicine. Now there are many antibiotic medicines, but penicillin was the first.

5.       Willem Kohan in 1957 invented artificial heart and implanted an artificial heart into a dog at Cleveland Clinic. The dog lived for 90 minutes. Later, in 1982 Robert Jarvik made complete artificial heart for human, which called ''Jarvik 7''. But for first time William DeVries implanted ''Jarvik 7'' into Barney Clark, who lived 112 days.
I think that invention of artificial heart is the most important, because it can prolong human life. Science is very developed now, and there are new types of artificial hearts which can prolong human life more than 112 days.


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